the financial crisis:
ok, i really dunno wat to do
w/ my nxt pay...
shud i buy da new hp?
or save da $$$?
i've been werking in seagate
for da past 2 yrs
and not a single cent was saved
i used it all up all da time
on what??!!
food... si..alimento
my no. 1 weakness
the sole reason
for the shape i'm in rite now
pimply face
bulging fats all over the place...
weak strength
everything points out to my indulgence
si, unhealthy i am...
dancing to 'buttons' left me breathless
its not even 5 mins!!!
exercise... a strict regime i must follow!!
i want to feel gud like everybody
i want to experience that confidence
but wallowing in my current pathetic
state doesnt help does it?? ~sigh...
so... back to my economy crisis...
maybe i shud consult dear...
so that if it turns out to be a bad idea
@ least i can blame him...haahah!
a vile creature i am....
nah... i can alwasy forgive his faults...
for love is blind after all
but it is my own i find hard to pardon...
so consult dear i shall.. hehhe!!!
on another note,i wonder where
da hell da term 'lorry langgar'
derived from.. if u read da new paper
i'm sure those words are not a stranger to you can a lady fall victim to ugliness after being hit by a lorry??
in the face i mean....
does being met w/ an accident
cripple ur face?hmm.... s'poreans are getting
really creative w/ their comparisons arent they.... :P
and here i was to think being langgar by lorry means u'll be flat like prata... :P