Monday, October 03, 2011
My Journey Thus Far
I realised ive always been unreceptive
towards my career prospect.
No matter how hard or easy it has been.
If i had not been werking in Eng Wah,
i would always be that shy awkward kid whos totally afraid of people
If i have nt been werking in Seagate factory,
i would not have pursued my Nitec in Electronics.
If i had not pursued my Nitec, i wouldnt haf been able to apply for Diploma in SIM.
If i had not choosen Green Book as my first company under a new job scope called admin cum recep,
i noe, i wouldnt be given an opportunity to be a customer service exec.
no matter how difficult the first few months in a new line was, i persevered.
altho it was shortlived (almost 2 yrs), it was still sufficient.
i quit without looking for a job first.
i tried a few things.
admin in an auto insurance company, personal coordinator for a property agent...
and finally, patient services clerk in sgh.
if i had not took up the property agent's offer to be his so called personal asst,
i wouldnt have the experience of being one.
altho i didnt like it and therefore shortlived too, i still think i gained something.
if i had not any of the experience about, i wouldnt have gotten the job at SGH.
i initially applied for data clerk, but the person persuaded me to go psc coz of my exp in frontline.
and i relented.
there seems to be a pattern in recent jobs i was offered.
i keep kena-ing customer service. the one i hated the
why cant i juz get a damn behind-the-frontline kind of job??
3 places that i werked in has offered me great prospects.
Seagate had appointed me to be the online job trainer (which i readily accepted)
Green Book offered me to be Customer Service Exec (which i rejected after doing it almost a yr)
SGH given me the job as Research Coordinator (thanks to my bosses' recommendation)
was there any reason to this?
i think yes.
Every time God paves me the way, i sidetracked or stopped
im so stubborn, but hahaha
i think God is super patient to keep giving me the chances.
Yes. i think ive known wat my calling is..
If i had not worked in SGH, i wouldnt understand health.
If i had not werked in SGH, i wouldnt have been easily convinced to join 4life .
If i had not worked in SGH, i wouldnt know or even care about other ppl's health and mine.
After hearing what these 4life ppl strive for, believe in, worked for,
i know, i haf to make the difference too.
because of them, i believe in a goal.
i wanna help others too....
i wanna think of the big picture.
go overseas to help the needy.
there IS a way to stop the that grand gap btwn the rich and the poor.
Is this all coincidence?
Nope, there is no coincidence in Islam.